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We organise our sessions so that the children can choose from, and work at, a range of activities and, in doing so, build up their ability to select and work through a task to its completion. The children are also helped and encouraged to take part in adult-led small and large group activities, which introduce them to new experiences and help them to gain new skills, as well as helping them to learn to work with others. Outdoor activities contribute to children's health, their physical development and their knowledge of the world around them. The children have the opportunity, and are encouraged, to take part in outdoor child-chosen and adult-led activities, as well as those provided in the indoor playroom.


We provide 9 sessions per week.  A session is a 3 hour period being either 9.00am - 12.00pm or 12.30pm - 3.30pm. 

We are open 38 weeks of the year, term time only as follows:


Monday: 9.00am - 3.30pm

Tuesday: 9.00am - 3.30pm

Wednesday: 9.00am - 3.30pm

Thursday: 9.00am - 3.30pm

Friday:  9.00am - 12.00pm


Funded Sessions

We accept government funded places for eligible 2, 3 and 4 year olds for 15 and 30 hours per week (29 hours at our setting). Lunch club is available for children aged 3+ and can be included within your funded hours or at an additional cost of £2.00 per day. To find out if you are eligible for funding please click on the Childcare Choices link below.


Non-Funded Sessions

We accept children from the term following their 2nd birthday, subject to spaces being available, even if you do not meet the eligibility criteria for 2 year funding. You will need to pay until your child is eligible for the funding. 


Session £15.00 (2 year old)

Session £15.00(three and four year old)

Lunch Club £2.00 (3 and four year olds only)

Fees are payable weekly in advance and must be kept up to date for your child to keep his/her place at our setting.  Fees remain payable in cases of sickness or holiday absence.



St. Christopher’s Pre-School provide a mid-morning and mid-afternoon snack. Examples are as follows:


Fresh Fruit, Dried Fruit, Raw Vegetables.

Bread, Crackers, Breadsticks, Cereal.

Cheese, Yogurts.


Fresh milk is provided at snack times and water is available at all times.


Lunch Club

Lunch club is available for those children who wish to attend pre-school all day.  Lunch club spaces are prioritised by date of birth, children aged 3+ are given priority, spaces are then offered to younger children accordingly. Please provide a healthy nutritious lunch for your child (chocolate or sweets are not allowed as a snack or as part of your child's lunch) for example:


  • A portion of starchy food e.g. wholemeal roll or bread, wraps, pitta pocket, pasta or rice salad.

  • A portion of fruit/vegetables e.g. apple, satsuma, banana, cherry tomatoes, carrot sticks, fruit chunks or a box of raisins.

  • A portion of protein food e.g. meat, fish, eggs or beans.

  • A portion of dairy food e.g. a small yogurt or individual cheese  portion.

  • A drink e.g. unsweetened fruit juice, milk or water.



Please ensure that your child is DRESSED FOR MESS as the children will be exploring paint, sand and water. We encourage children to gain the skills that help them to be independent and look after themselves. These include taking themselves to the toilet and taking off, and putting on, outdoor clothes. Clothing that is easy for them to manage will help them to do this. We have free flow access for the children to choose to play inside or outside, therefore it is essential that the children are appropriately dressed. Pre-School polo shirts and jumpers are available to purchase but are not compulsory. We request that a named bag is brought in with your child at every session with a change of clothing.


Toilet/Potty Training

We do not require your child to be toilet trained to attend our pre-school. We will actively support potty training when your child has reached an appropriate stage of development. We are happy to change nappies and soiled clothes if accidents occur. We request that you provide changing equipment i.e. nappies/pull ups, wipes, cream, nappy bags and a change of clothes in a named bag. Soiled items will be given to you to dispose of.

What to bring

All children will need to bring:



  • a nutritious lunch and drink (for those attending all day)

  • a change of clothes

  • nappies/pull-ups, wipes, cream and nappy bags (if not toilet trained)

  • coat, wellies, sun hat and sun cream (depending on the weather conditions)


Please ensure all items are clearly labelled with their name




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